Saturday, March 28, 2009


since dah lama tak mencorat coret.ini lah idea terbaru

1) Were you named after anyone?yeah. britney spears haha. anyone know her?

2) When was the last time you cried?just now when i read the love novel.

3) Do you like your handwriting?sometimes when it didnt turn out like a caterpillar dancing under the gleaming shine of moonlight haha.mcm tulisan jawi pun ada kadang2

4) What is your favourite lunch meat?wah ni yg nk tamak haloba.ikan keli msk pedas,tempe, smbl belacan wajib ok haha

5) Do you have kids?aha ada.anak ayam.mmg byk

6) If you were another person, would you like to be friends with you?sape nk kwn dgn saya sila angkat hidung setinggi mungkin.thanx

7) Do you use sarcasm?only when i know it wont backfired me back

8) Do you still have your tonsils?what are u now? a doctor? of course i still have it. ke dah hilang haha

9) Would you bungee jump?HELLL NOOO!!! i'd rather sleep in a coffin for 3 days without food supply rather than throwing myself down the bridge.xsanggup mak haha

10) What is your favourite cereal?usually i only eat fresh air mixed with morning saliva but otherwise i prefer to start my day with kelogs froties with fresh choc. drink haha

11) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?well it depends, if i dont plan to murder anyone with a shoe laces that day then i'd tie it neatly until it form a beautiful shadeless butterfly.

12) What is your favourite ice–cream?erm ala ice cream yg colour dia rambow2 tu.apa erh nama dia.lupa

13) What is the first thing you notice about people?their smell. sorry if i ran away from u, its not u, its just ur smell.

14) Red or pink?Pink with little extra bitchy as a tone.haha

15) What is the least favourite thing about yourself?want me to write a book about it?

16) Who do you miss the most?someone.his name DIN maybe

17) Do you want everyone to complete this list?this is an irrelevant question that should not be answered by any living soul , regardless how imbecile they are.

18) What colour of trousers and shoes are your wearing? topless, hair tied up neatly with my red scrunchy,lower down covered covered by towel aha

19) What are you listening to right now?the old song from jazz queen.sheila majid.

20) If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?why would i want to be a crayon? i can easily break and pieces of me would be scattered all around.i'd want to be the box that hold on to the entire family of crayon.

21) What is your favourite perfumeBvlgari - rose essentials . this perfume make me feels like a little fairy who had just sprouted out a pair of magical wings and ready to be eaten by an angry dragonfly.

22) The last person you talked to on the phone?zarul mok haha

23) Do you like the person who sent you this?i even like the entire family of his

24) Favourite sports to watch?Football! and also bunch of idiotic boys fapping away their dignity

25) Hair colour?black plus brown. like the color of my skin.haha perasan

26) Eye colour?Black. like the color of my mom's aureola

27) Do you wear contacts?nopes. contacts are for wanna-be.

28) Favourite food?anything that is deletable and wont come out from my mouth again.

28) Scary or happy endings?happy endings. m such a wussy when it comes to unexpectable endings

29) Last movie you watched?cant remember.mkn semut byk

30) What colour of shirt are you wearing?red color.

31) Summer or winter?winter FTW! i hate humid weather. sorry to say la

32) Favourite dessert?ciggy wiggy with zapple

33) Most likely to respond?i dont expect anyone to respond.dah biasa kot

34) Least likely to respond?YOooouuuu

35) What books are you reading?love novel.hahah.jiwang karat

36) What is on your mousepad?unidentified strands of hair from last nite raunchy battle with myself.

37) What did you watch last night?akademi fantasi haha

38) Rolling Stones? Beatles?none.

39) Where is the last country you have been visited?my own dreamlalaland.

40) Do you have a special talent?sleeping too least i have my own talent.haha

41) Where were you born?exactly under my mom's leg.

42) Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back?i dont really effin care.

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